
This are the chronicles of the noble Sir Lucien Barkalots.

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Travel England 2022

Tag 22 – Laon, Metz und endlich zu Hause!

A new beautiful day has risen and the sun is shining over Laon, Metz and...

Day 21 – Whitstable and Laon

The day started not very optimal. We had planned a smooth last day in England...

Day 20 – Windsor, Dover and Explosions

I tried my best to protect my stuff from the influence of a black magic...


Egg search

Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter

I heard that some of this festive days are coming for the humans. The prepare...

Schmotziger Dunschtig

The humas have a couple of strange days every year. The call them different from...

Christmas markets in Munich

We were on grant Christmas market tour in Munich. We had some days to spend...

All Chronicals


Today is the shortest day and a day to celebrate. Get your delicious Yule meal...

Schmotziger Dunschtig

The humas have a couple of strange days every year. The call them different from...

Schaffhausen und Rhine Falls

Gavriel has not gotten his sea legs. Out of this reason he couldn’t participate on...

Ravennaschlucht Christmas market

We were on the Ravennaschlucht Christmas market. We walked from our home through the Ravennaschlucht...

Österreich – Salzburg Day 2 – Salzburg, Armor and Friends!

The day near Salzburg started with collie torture! We had to watch the humans eat!...

MPS Weil am Rhein

We was on the MPS festival in Weil am Rhein. It was a lot smaller...

Medival Christmas Market Esslingen

On our way back from the interview with my potential squire we stopped at the...
Egg search

Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter

I heard that some of this festive days are coming for the humans. The prepare...

Halloween 2022

Today is a important day! The vail between the worlds is thin! Pumpkin, incense and...