
This are the chronicles of the noble Sir Lucien Barkalots.

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Orléans at night

We arrived in Orléans at the darkest hour of the night. We knocked on the door of the inn, but a bad spell at the booking system has deleted our parking place request. The servant and Gavriel would sent to checkin and the Lady and I where looking for a Parking space. The lady drove …

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Dijon – Let’s go!

Some month ago I wrote about my journey to get a Wizard. After we got attached to the France Magic Guild we must travel to Paris to get my journeyman’s certificate. And don’t let me start of the bureaucratic nightmare to get the permit to public this article series! Do not ask! We will travel …

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Clever Fox Path in Schönwald

Clever Fox Path in Schönwald We have visited the Clever Fox Path, after we visited the wolfs and the ant path. On the clever fox path you can discover incredible things. But we must drive with the tin can. The official documentation says it starts at the grave yard parking place. Humans have a different …

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Feldsee mit Lucien

Feldberg and Feldsee (2023)

Our tin can has stomach ache from wrong oil and the humans try to put me in different ways of transportation. The servant is the opinion Freiburg is no good for Collies in the heat. Even if we wear our heat gear. Out of this reason we used the train and the bus to the …

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Wolf path

Wolf path In Höchenschwand is a very special hiking trail for all house wolfs and humans – the wolf path! We showed you the Ant path of Rötenbach and now we discover the next of the hiking path near by. Follow us at our new adventure. We have dragons, wolfs and heros of the bones! …

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Ant path of Rötenbach/Friedenweiler

Ant path of Rötenbach/Friedenweiler At the 25th of December (Christmas) we hicked the Ameisenpfad (Ant path) in Rötenbach/Friedenweiler. Humans get crazy ideas the believe on ants in the winter. All ants are sleeping at the moment! But I don’t reject an adventure. Okey it sounds not so interesting as the Wolf path but its new …

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Was zu trinken.

Visit the Hexenloch Mühlen witch

Excerpt from the secret archives about Gavriel – report of Master Lucien. We got the order to report back to the local weather witch. My qualifications as Tech-wizard are not high enough to do the safety briefing and spelling. We shall meet the local weather master witch known as Hexenloch Mühlen witch. We shall bring …

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Mulhouse France (Pentecost 2023)

From the magical archive about Gavriel. Visit in Mulhouse France. After the initiation to the rank of apprentice I must register Gavriel at the local magic guild. The next is in Mulhouse France. If I had known how complex it is to get an apprentice, I had never startet the process. I made a translingua …

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The magic ahorns of Hinterzarten

There is a kind of magic tree every mage must have seen. The red magic ahorns of Hinterzarten. Through Luciens great skill and knowledge he could convert some trees in the rear red variant. Look how red he could color them. He used his magic like a true master. But it is a big strain …

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Merlins magic forest (Bernau)

The magical fall has cheeped around. The rain pours. Now I will show you a secret article of the magic archives about Gavriel. His initiation in Merlins magic forest. Yes it is from easter some time ago, but it is a important step of Gavriels history and it was peace full at this time! Firstly …

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Capital Bern (2024)

It is time! We visit Bern! Our big adventure! Sebastian said that is a trail run for the big adventure at the coast. He will convince the Lady! We left Schäfchen (Sheepy) und Plüsch-Collie at home sitting. We started our day tour. The weather was okey, cloudy but dry with some sunny spots until we …

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Sebastian Trinkt

Lenzkirch and llamas

In the morning we visited Schluchsee, but Gavriel has heard about a circus in Lenzkirch and tried to investigate this strange human thing. The advertainment was Lenzkirch and Llamas. I find caged creatures that must perform trix creepy but them need not to know. Lenzkirch Spagarden und Church Gavriel is injured. The fish man… the …

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Sebastian am Brunnen

Lenzkirch – Whitsun Monday (2024)

Little Gavriel getting better after his gravely wound on his paw. We make only short walks. I like it a lot. I think shortwalks are better for us all and will instruct the human servants only to walk so! Today it is Whitsun monday. This is one of the festivals I don’t get. It’s about …

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Lake Schluchsee (Spring 2024)

We arrived at Lake Schluchsee. Gavriel convinced the Lady to drive us. The day is sunny and I enjoy the light wind. Gavriel is chatty today. He showed all his knowledge over Lake Schluchsee to Sebastian Seehund. There are tow train stations at the lake and there is the Brewery Rothhaus near. He stated. Sebastian …

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The Lake – The sea no matter – Titisee (2024)

The are important news in the collie doghouse in Lenzkirch. Yes we have moved from Titisee and got our own garden. Squire Gavriel got gravly wounded and grumpier as a cat. Every pup has caused an explosion. We saw both his death! The Fish… medicine man was consulted and he found out that Gavriel has …

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Schaffhausen and Rhine Falls

Gavriel has not gotten his sea legs. Out of this reason he couldn’t participate on Pirate Month well. He is a bit young to be a jolly sailor. Tomorrow the magic month will starting. The grate finale will be Halloween. Witch will have more power and ghost dance all night. I made the mistake Gavriel …

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Gavriel im Campus Galli

Campus Galli (2023)

In July we visited Campus Galli. I told Gavriel that there are interesting things to discover. There are little birds to chase and lovely wood branches to chew. And there is a top secret doggy knight armory with a black smith that makes custom made things. Can we upgrade my dagger? PLEASE PLEASE! Gavriel you …

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Österreich – Salzburg Day 2 – Salzburg, Armor and Friends!

The day near Salzburg started with collie torture! We had to watch the humans eat! And nothing dropped. Humans are so voracious. After this we start to explore the surroundings. I must state Austria is beautiful if it not rains! The Lady must plan something. I heard her phoning and than we drove to a …

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I will the food!

Austria – Salzburg Day 1 – Rain, Pass und Adventures

Today I start my first travel. I am so excited! There is so much to see and explore! But why must we us the stinky tin can?! We traveled to Salzburg in Austria. For the first time my little squire Gavriel joined us in the car for such a long time. The little love bug …

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Tag 22 – Laon, Metz und endlich zu Hause!

A new beautiful day has risen and the sun is shining over Laon, Metz and France. We are escaped the hostile British island and the curse themed to have stopped. I thank all magic for it! Today is a special day! I the noble Sir Lucien Barkalot got five years old! But the humans are …

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Day 21 – Whitstable and Laon

The day started not very optimal. We had planned a smooth last day in England with exploring Dover Castle and Folkstone. Instead we raced over the island to get a APHA. Now you ask what is an APHA? It is the only way to get home if you lost your european pet pass! This document …

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Egg search

Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter

I heard that some of this festive days are coming for the humans. The prepare stuff and speak of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. There are many new words like Easter bunny, Easter basket and so many more! But what celebrate the humans?! Status complicated! Some say it is the return of the light or …

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Day 20 – Windsor, Dover and Explosions

I tried my best to protect my stuff from the influence of a black magic curse. I used all my knowledge but I could only lessen this curse. The day started with searching for a new Inn. The lady manged to get a new one in time. What a releave! The whole car was depacked …

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Day 19 – Hurst Castle and New Forest Nationalpark

The day started late. The humans spend the morning in the bed. Time to rest for a poor Collie Knight. The humans packed up the tin can. I have the sneaky suspicion that we will not be long here anymore. The humans cleaned up and moved the suitcases. Now we could start. Suddenly the lady …

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Day 18 – Public footpath and Shaftesbury

The Sun rised and the poor Sir Lucien Barkelot is tired as hell. Who turned on the sun?! Can I place have more sleeping time? We don’t use the tin can today?! How interesting? Will we fly on our broom? A quick look outside reviles our neighbors. I must check them out! Okey we move …

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Day 17 – Old Wardour Castle and Sherborne Old Castle

How said sunshine spelles doesn’t work? It works very well! The forecast said it will rain cats and dogs and the humans planned a quiet day. But the sunshine wakes them and we will visit Old Wardour Castle und Sherborne Old Castle. I am a powerful mage or? Old Wardour Castle is majestetic and powerful. …

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Day 16 – Avebury and Silver Hill

Today we keep with the prehistoric England. The stone circle of Stonehenge you could only enjoy from afar. Now we go to a place called Avebury. There you can touch the stones with your nose and climb on them! The weather was much better than yesterday! The stones stand in the countryside of England. Nothing …

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Day 15 – Old Sarum and Stonehenge

Today we made a time travel in the prehistory past of Great Britain. We started with my daily morning walk and then we drove to Old Sarum. There were so much to see and discover! I climbed old ruins! The view was fantastic. After this the Lady and I made a patrol in side the …

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Day 14 – Berry Pomeroy Castle and Muchelney Abby

Today they have stuffed up the tin can up to the brim and cleared out the house. I got some extra rounds around the house. Little advice of the burned dog. Overview your servants buy packing and sniff every corner of the house. Especially behind a shellfs. They forgot an imported real bag… I helped …

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Schmotziger Dunschtig

The humas have a couple of strange days every year. The call them different from region to region. The Lady says Weiberfastnacht. The male Servant called it Schmotziger Dunschtig. Who will know more read at the SWR news. The Schmotziger Dunschtig has different traditions that will celebrated. Here in south Germany/Swiss there will be a …

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Day 13 – Looe and Pendennis

The day started unexpected. I could sleep late! The sun shone and the human stuff was ready for a nice walk to Looe! We walked at the coast path to Looe. We know some good places because of the scouting yesterday. The humans want shopping. They found plenty of useless stuff and squeaked regularly. We …

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Day 12 – Dartmoor and Looe

Looe Juhu the humans will make a lazier day today! The will wash today and we will look to Looe, the next city. Maybe I can relax a bit today! I shouldn’t speak my thoughts out! After the morning walk the wash odyssey started. The humans needed my help to find the washing house. And …

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Christmas markets in Munich

We were on grant Christmas market tour in Munich. We had some days to spend and looked to many different markets. We were at the Residenzschloss-Weihnachtsmarkt, Am Sendlinger Tor, on the Marienplatz, at the Englischen Garten and in Schwabingen. There was a speaking elk. I must inspect him close! As he started I lost my …

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Medival Christmas Market Esslingen

On our way back from the interview with my potential squire we stopped at the medival Christmas market of Esslingen. We parked a good walk a way from the market. So we could enjoy the city a bit. The art of the city is useful! I am impressed! The market itself is beautiful but packed! …

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Christmas Market Darmstadt

Santa Paws and his human helpers traveled to Darmstadt. They could not avoid the beautiful Christmas market. There are lots of different stalls! From basket waver to pancake maker there was so many! For Sir Barkalot we got a new sword. Especially exiting was that original Swiss Raclette stall! It smelled Amazing! I met a …

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Christmas market Freiburg

The lady and I was in Freiburg im Breisgau on the Christmas market! We send the male servant work and enjoyed our alone time. The whole city is decorated! There is live music on every corner. The market got bigger this year. There so many interesting things! And a carousel too! The churches are decorated …

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Christmas Market Waldshut

We were on the Christmas market in Waldshut. But let me tell the story from the begin. The day started with a early car ride. We meet Uncle Sam and discovered a new path through the woods. There is a straw bunker. That have so much straw that it will fill every manger around! It …

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Today is the shortest day and a day to celebrate. Get your delicious Yule meal and some mead friends and gather together! We celebrate today the return of the light. The days get longer and brighter from today on! The gray of the autumn goes and the white of the snow comes. Every wizard has …

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Day 11 – Landsend, Penzance and St. Austell

On more day dawned on my travel. The male servant was going with me to the next bush. And I was so sleepy that I could barely move. Then the lady got ready for the next drive und the metal horse starts working. After a bit of time we were at a new part of …

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Tag 11 – Landsend, Penzance und St. Austell

Ein weiterer Tag brach bei meiner entbehrungsvollen Reise an. Der Knecht führte mich in der Umgebung zu einem Busch und ich taumelte schlaftrunken hinter ihm her. Dann war die Lady auch schon bereit für eine weitere große Fahrt. Es ging dann mit dem Metallpferd los. Ehe ich mich versah, waren wir an einer neuen Küste, …

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Christmas market Frankfurt

We were on christmas market tour in Frankfurt am Main and meet Sky the local Husky Queen! We learned much over Frankfurt. Humom and Hudad were never in Frankfurt. Humom was near the City as little puppy, but can’t remember it well. The market has lots of stalles, crips and a dog bakery! Unfortunately all …

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Day 10 – Tintagel and King Arthur’s Hall

The Lady said the day will be magic. I thing she took the wrong magic mushroom! Magical? I am Sir Barkalot and not the wise Wizzard of Woof. Okey they send me on this quest… but I am not so magical! The day started with a short walk at the sea and a the metal …

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Christmas Market Friedrichshafen

On our journey back to Titisee we stopped in Friedrichshafen and visited the Christmas market. It is a small market direct at the Bodensee. We were a bit to early. The market opens at 12:00 o’clock under the week. We decided to explore the city. We found some strange looking sculptures! Some were a bit …

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Day 9 Bridgewater and Millendreath Beach

The day started with packing, cleaning up and controlling. I was totally confused what the fuss is about. The put my bowls in the tin can. Shall this help to feed it and where should feed I? Will we drive home? To a different place? The metal horse buck under the weight of the things …

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Ravennaschlucht Christmas market

We were on the Ravennaschlucht Christmas market. We walked from our home through the Ravennaschlucht valley. We found on our way the top secret Santa Paws Distribution center construction side. I got assigned to represent Santa Paws on the market! The walk was exhausting. There are so many steps! And it dangerous! There are some …

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Day 8 – Bristol und Newport

What by the everloving Lord has gotten in the humans heads! It is 5 o’clock in the morning after staying late in London! Let a poor Collie knight get his beauty sleep! If you have this kind of servants you not need a foe anymore. They started the tin can and the drove in the …

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Day 7 – London

Dear reader of my chronicles! You couldn’t imagine what adventure I had have! I, Sir Lucien Barkalot traveled to London. My biggest, epicst and fantasticts adventure! The day started with a short pipi trip around the inn. The human stuff started to get moving. We drove to Stroud again and I was a bit suspicious. …

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Day6 – Bath?! – Better Stroud

The day of the noble Sir Lucien Barkalot started with a walk to Badminton the way was a long a big street. I found tracks of other dogs. I saw horses and rabbits. I expected of Badminton that there are many Badminton courts. Suddenly I found none. But I have searched the whole village. We …

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Day 5 – Pembroke and Tenby

A new day raised on my incredible journey through England. The human stuff walked with me to the local merchant. There is no better in miles. He is so famous that he got his own traffic sign! The human stuff wolfed down pastries. I must watch them. I cried to get one too! What have …

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Halloween 2022

Today is a important day! The vail between the worlds is thin! Pumpkin, incense and magic are in the air. To day we Collie Paladin are needed most. Evil ghosts, werewolves and demons are near and try to breach the vail! We Paladine watch as silent guardians the vail and the portals. We are that …

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Day 4 – Westbirt Arboretum and Gloucester

The 4th day of my journey started with a Lady that suffered from insomnia. She worked with the digital magic machine T460s and wrote down the first parts of my adventures. I, the noble Sir Lucien Barkalot, demonstrated how to sleep right and ignored the crazy Lady! It was dark and all birds are sleeping! …

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Day 3 – Tri-Castle-Tour and Abergravenny

Today is the 3rd day of travel throught the land of my ancestors. The humans supprised me with my first trip to wales! The kingdom of mighty warlocks and dreaded dragons!The place where the faeries rides on Corgi back trough the land! The Stuff woke me to a far better time as yesterday. The Lady …

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Day 2 – We driving over – err under the sea!

The day started with the cries of the human smartphones! Oh my dog was this noise annoying! I barked at the humans to stop the pain for my ears. Then the humans start to running and packed up our stuff and the servant took me out of the Inn with out the lady! Without food! …

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Day 1 – The Journey begins

Here I want to write down the chapter of my live. I am the humble Sir Lucien Barkalot. Without fear I entered the horseless carriage and started my travel with Mylaydy and her servant. The carriage was fully loaded, so I had to adjust to a new position. The carriage rumbled for many minutes, even …

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MPS Weil am Rhein

We was on the MPS festival in Weil am Rhein. It was a lot smaller as last time. The concert area was not accessable this year without pay extra. There were less drink stations as before, but a there were multiple drinking options for me. I was welcome everywere. There were meny thinks to discover. …

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Ich und meine Herrin

Castle Windeck

The castle Windeck is a ruin near Bühl. It is the sister castle of Neu-Windeck. There are some walls, gates and a tower left. Be careful and guard your lady well. Meybe she get lost there. The tower has a wooden staircase after a stone staircase. Only the strongest and fearlesst knight can get to …

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Castle ruin New Windeck

The lady, the squire and me visited Burg Neu-Windeck. The ride with the horseless carriage was pleasant. There is a stall for the horseless carriage near by. A bit of wood surround the castle, very pleasant for important businesses. There is a bit remote, but after a short walk you are in the castle. You …

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