Category: England 2022

Day 12 – Dartmoor and Looe

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Juhu the humans will make a lazier day today! The will wash today and we will look to Looe, the next city. Maybe I can relax a bit today!

I shouldn’t speak my thoughts out! After the morning walk the wash odyssey started. The humans needed my help to find the washing house. And then the started the machine and the timeboxed tour to Looe.

The timebox where two hours. We found the harbor and many interesting shops.

The Lady can’t resist the gambling hall and lost one pound against my strictly advice!

While we looked the city we found shops with fish based treats and a dog shop with liver pate! I animated my stuff to by a lot of it!

The we must run to our laundry! The 2 Hours where over! It is a big advantage to have own fur!

Canonteign Falls

Now we go on. We drove to Canonteign Falls in Dartmoor. That are the biggest waterfalls of Dartmoor and had booked a tour about history and mining. The humans said that there is a big attraction for me! Will it be other doggy knights and ladies? Something special to eat?

We saw the big waterfalls and fern forest. Yes your ears function well the big attraction where ferns! Humans!

For our luck. I managed to convince some fairies to get along with us! But I must nog at some doors to get this running.

There were statures on the way a dragon without wings a deer, a hare and so on.

At last we managed to climb the biggest waterfall with my new english doggy friend. He must protect his lady hard because she had issues with height.

We stopped at a local inn and ate sine Scoons. I suged the crumbs of the humans in. It is not gut to leaf a place dirty!

I would take the armor treasure but the human staff refused to carry it! The the put me on a not working scale!

We had time left from the day and the human stuff was ready to tackle more of the moor.

It was like a safari. Cows appears on the street and sheeps jumps around without fence or walls – breathtaking for every herder.

Foggintor Quarry

We drove to the Foggintor Quarry as it starts to rain. The humans were so intelligent to walk on from the parking place.

I was never ever on so a short distance of a sheep. There were plenty sheeps! I showed disinterest so the humans not see that the herding instinct kicks in!

We walked along a “field” to the entrance of the quarry.

I don’t know that the lady is so good at climbing on rocks. At the start was a point with a steer drop to big for me. The Lady climbs down easily and the servant followed. Only stand at the edge and looked down to high for me.

The male servant carried me to the ground and we could explore the quarry. Here were sheeps to! And this delicious balls of sheep dumplings!

There are some paths in the quarry while we explored it started to rain hard. We were soaked and looked like wet rats as we arrived at the end!

The Lady removed her clothes unlady like. She undressed her trauthers in the Rain on the street! I was beyond shocked! I could only stare at her!

At the way home I suggested to the male servant to buy some thing for dinner. Nothing is better as an real dinner and a tea against the cold from the rain!

In the Inn we dried of and eat fresh cooked dinner.

I personally recycled some left overs.

In the evening the Lady screemed suddenly! She got attacked from a english tick! The nasty beast stuck at her rip!

The male servant was a hero! He got my tick removal kit from the car and removed it. I think the humans should get tick tablets too! Very less drama. Tick bites are nasty!


The day was packed with different activities from beautiful looking to shopping.


The travel to Looe was fast and easy. If you can take more then 2 hours for the city and the shops. Use the Parkplatz on the other side of the river. The city itself is only for locals.

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Dartmoor is like a safari. Take it easy and drive slow to sea all animals!

The drive to Foggintor Quarry is more complex as it seams on paper. Animals roaming the street and pop up everywhere. You must walk a little while. Avoid bad weather.


In Looe you can find things for everyone. There are shops for dog treats too. And one Shop has things for allercial dogs!

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The historical tour was pleasing. I was allowed to go everywhere. For dogs recemented!

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The Foggintor Quarry was breathtaking for all Collie knights a must have seen. There are points to climb and to enjoy! Wild sheeps are running and a lake of clear water is there. For your own safety use a day with good weather. The Quarry is slippery.

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Dog friendliness

Looe is perfect for a doggy visit. There are water bowls before shops and there are eating places where I allowed to enjoy.

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Dartmoor is balsam for a traveling Collie knight soul. The nature is relaxing and here you can be a dog.

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Foggintor Quarry is a real adventure. You need the help of your humans from time to time but it is fun. For older dogs or herding dogs with herding ability it is not so ideal.

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Useful information

All infos for dogs in Dartmoor are here.

About the waterfalls and the tours read here.

More about the Foggintor Quarry you can find here!

Humans should ware hiking boots and gear.

Day 11 – Landsend, Penzance and St. Austell

On more day dawned on my travel. The male servant was going with me to the next bush. And I was so sleepy that I could barely move.

Then the lady got ready for the next drive und the metal horse starts working.

After a bit of time we were at a new part of the coast. It looks different and was called Lands End. What a funny name for the most west point in England!

Our first stop was the tourist center. I tried to breath fire like a dragon. With more or less success. I thought that was a good skill to my paladin character sheet! But the humans found it funny!

After this I inspected a new transportation device. Looks interesting but is louder then a dragon!

The we start to explore the coast. The wind was so strong that I nearly started flying!

I must say the cliffs are steep and the drop is far. Please don’t go to close to the edge!

The the humans made me to a feared pirate!

The male servant had have bad joke day! He tied my to an anchor. Even before I could make a funny thing!

We checked out the area around the farm. There are artists in the farm as well.

One of the clay artists made me a paw print! I got it a few weeks later!

There was a pirate artist, too! We made a photo together so we can’t forget each other.

There were sheeps and pigs! I saw both and I must say boring the were in a coral!

But the landscape was breathtaking!

After this we walked to the real Lands End point. Unfortunately there was no sign because of a bad storm was coming and the sign was demontage out of safety reasons.

But we have a image of the last house of England!

The the humans want shopping. The Lady and I waited for the shop and the the shop closed before the Lady could peak in! We found some interesting things in the other shops!

I was admired and photographed a lot.

After this we drove to Penzance a little city on our way back, We explored it.

The Lady got a new belt!

The we discovered the harbor. But we don’t found something real good to eat.

Because of this reason we drove to St. Austell. I watched the car and the humans were go eating. Because the found no tavern where I was allowed. But It was okay I could sleep! The metal tin is practical for sleeping.

The we drove back to the Inn. I got a good meal and I could sleep!


We review the drive to the most west point of England!


The drive was lang. One stop or two are needed.

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To Penzance we came fast. But you should look at it on a sunny day!

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St. Austell is an easy drive, but you need time to get there.

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Lands End is interesting and a very good place for a doggy knight. You must have see the farm with the pottery and the last house. The sign is optional but a nice to have! We recommend to go to Lands End.

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The little city Panzance is good to explore and there are nice shops. But the are closing early. We don’t found something to eat with a collie knight. Take something with you!

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We saw not many of St. Austell because it was late. The humans had have a great dinner. I was watching the metal horse!

Dog friendlines

Lands End is a very good place for a doggy knight. The ways are no problem even if the knight is older.

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Penzance is not the thing for a doggy knight but there is a belt maker. He has collars and leashes!

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St Austell is not so welcoming to we found not the right tavern for all of us. The doggy knight got the important job to watch the metal horse from inside.

Usful information

Information about Lands End you find here.

Interesting facts about Penzance are here.

More about St. Austell is here.

Tag 11 – Landsend, Penzance und St. Austell

Ein weiterer Tag brach bei meiner entbehrungsvollen Reise an. Der Knecht führte mich in der Umgebung zu einem Busch und ich taumelte schlaftrunken hinter ihm her.

Dann war die Lady auch schon bereit für eine weitere große Fahrt. Es ging dann mit dem Metallpferd los.

Ehe ich mich versah, waren wir an einer neuen Küste, und zwar der von Lands End, dem westlichen Punkts Englands/Cornwalls.

Als Erstes haben wir uns das Touristen-Zentrum angesehen. Ich versuchte wie in Drache Feuer zu speien.

Dann inspiziere ich ein modernes Menschen Fluggerät. Ich wette, wenn das fliegt, ist es Lauter als jeder Drache!

Dann begannen wir damit die Küste zu erkunden und der Wind wehte mich dabei fast weg.

Ich muss auch sagen, dass es an dieser Küste sehr weit runter geht! Haltet euch von Klippen fern!

Dann verwandelten die menschlichen Diener mich in einen gefährlichen Piraten.

Der Knecht fand es lustig mich an einen Anker anzubinden! Dabei hatte ich noch gar keine Chance etwas anzustellen!

Wir erkundeten den Bereich um die dort ansässige Farm. In der Farm arbeiten Künstler.

Es gibt dort einen Ton-Künstler. Dieser hat meinen Pfotenabdruck genommen und mir wir eine Erinnerung zugeschickt!

Einer dieser Künstler war als Pirat verkleidet! Wir haben uns natürlich zusammen abgelichtet, um eine Erinnerung zu behalten.

Dann gab es dort auch noch Schafe und Schweine. Ich habe mir beides angesehen und fand es nur mäßig interessant.

Die Landschaft ist aber beeindruckend!

Danach wanderten wir zum eigentlichen Lands end den westlichsten Punkt von England! Leider gibt es kein Beweisfoto, da das Schild wegen Sturmes abgebaut wurde.

Wir haben aber ein Bild vom letzten Haus Englands!

Danach frönten wir der Shopping-Lust. Nervig war nur, das die Lady mit mir vor dem Laden wartete und der vor unserer Nase zu machte, als der Knecht erkunden konnte. Trotzdem retteten wir ein paar Erinnerungsstücke.

Ich verteilte natürlich wieder viele meiner Memorabilien. Man muss ja Werbung für sich selber machen.

Danach fuhren wir nach Penzance, einer kleinen Stadt. Wir erkundeten diese.

Die Lady kaufte sich einen neuen schicken Gürtel.

Dann fanden wir den Hafen. Aber so richtig warm wurden wir nicht mit ihr und auch das Angebot von Nahrung viel eher gering aus.

Deshalb fuhren wir noch nach St. Austell. Dort futterten die menschlichen Diener und ich konnte meiner liebsten Tätigkeit dem Schlafen frönen. Manchmal ist dieses Metallpferd doch praktisch!

Danach fuhren wir in unsere Unterkunft, wo ich mein Abendessen bekam und mich danach ausstrecken konnte.


Heute bewerte ich die Reise zum westlichsten Punkt der britischen Insel!


Die Fahrt nach Lands End war etwas zu lang für meinen Geschmack. Eine Pause verträgt es gut.

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Nach Penzance ging es dafür schnell. Ein schönes Städtchen, aber nichts für einen Tag mit schlechtem Wetter,

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St. Austell erreicht man gut, aber es dauert so seine Zeit bis man dort angekommen ist.

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Lands End ist ein spannender Ort besonders die Töpferei, die Farm und die Landschaft sind spannend. Leider wird bei Storm das Hinweisschild abgebaut. Wir können einen Besuch empfehlen!

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Das kleine Städtchen Penzance ist gut zu erkunden, hat schöne Laden zum Gucken, aber Collie-Ritter und menschliche Gesellschaft sollten auf die Ladenöffnungszeiten schauen, die Läden schließen früh und auch das Angebot an Gaststätten, wo der Collie-Ritter hinein darf ist gering.

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Von St. Austell habe ich leider nicht so viel gesehen. Die menschlichen Diener überließen mir die Bewachung des Metallpferdes nach einer Pipirunde.


Lands End ist sehr hundetauglich. Man entdeckt unglaublich viel! Die Wege sind auch für ältere Hunderitter geeignet.

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Penzance ist leider nicht so einladend für einen Hunderitter. Aber der Gürtelmacher ist interessant, da er auch Hundehalsbänder anbietet.

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Auch St Austell ist nicht so einladend. Richtige gute Tavernen bieten leider nicht die Möglichkeit den Hunderitter, mit zu bringen.

Nützliche Informationen

Informationen über Lands End kann man hier finden.

Wissenswertes über Penzance findet ihr hier.

Mehr über St. Austell findet ihr hier.

Day 10 – Tintagel and King Arthur’s Hall

The Lady said the day will be magic. I thing she took the wrong magic mushroom! Magical? I am Sir Barkalot and not the wise Wizzard of Woof. Okey they send me on this quest… but I am not so magical!

The day started with a short walk at the sea and a the metal horse.

The the Lady saw stars. I mean literally! The male servant closed the cargo hatch expediently on the head of the Lady. By all dog gods and goddesses her cry must be heard until Germany. I hided as precaution. She was hurt and furios. I will not stand between a fury and her prey.

Then we started driving over the roads.

We stopped in a small village and explored the Shops and the local bakery. I say only two words Cornish Pastry! So yummy! Even if you got only some small crumbs.

The we walked down a beautiful path until we found a small gatekeeper house.

The humans showed there passports and I drank from the extra made water bowl.

We followed the the path further and found a magical bridge to King Arthurs castle. There shall be the last remains of the castle where Merlin, Arthur and his Knights lived. I was so exited! I am the first Collie Knight in centuries there!

Then the stuff discussed a issue with low and high tide. No idea what this is, but before I could set my feet to the real castle thing, they brought me down a steep stair.

The stair ended on a strand. Where I found new admirer and got some photos.

The the brought me to a Cave that was invested with bats! The called it Merlins Cave und told me that here was the magic done. I posed again.

The male servant fall on exploring the Cave and I had to go through water! Disgusting!

It was scary but cool! Then the Lady and I walked the strand and found beautiful stones and shells.

The we walked the stair up and we meet the local merchants. I gave away many memorabilia and lots of photos where taken.

In the meantime I was hijacked by a little Cornish Dragon. He slipped in my pocket and made him self his home there. His name is Corny Shong.

On the way from the castle I was attacked by a Zombie plant! On of the dangers of England! The Lady came to my rescue and my armor protected me.

Finally we explored the castle itself.

Especially the cliffs where breath taking.

We visited the famous Gallos-Statur.

Samhain is approaching. I was allowed to make some magic rituals for training.

At the end we could explore the outer court yard on the other side of the bridge.

I liked the attention and the many photos that was taken! The payment was good! Treats everywhere!

The the Lady got fippy! Her bladder must be very small. We must hurry down a small path. I had a bit fear for the Lady but we arrived well.

We found an injured jeep driver. I started to give emotional support.

The the humans needed foot again! Why I am not getting food in a restaurant I don’t know. We walked back to the villages.

I got a microscopic portion of Fish and Chips! This doesn’t count as retribution!

Then the humans were shopping. The looked on the clock and it was still to early to get a next meal. The figured out that it was possible to look to King Arthurs Hall too. They started the tin can and we were on our way.

This time we stopped midth in a field. And you will not believe me there were free roaming sheeps, cows and horses! Without any boundary or fence! We walked there and bam. A stone transformed in a sheep!

The male servant walked to a grey sheep through a swampy area… Can a big magician tell him how the compass and the map are working? Or that a magnet interferes with a compass?

Add least the Lady took the job to locate the sight. We found a stone circle. But unfortunately it was closed. An excavation where there and forgot to reopen it after working.

My feeds hurts from the long walking. I was happy to get back in the car. But Oh my doggy goodness are this cattle grids unpleasing – the whole car wobbles and shakes!

After this the human stuff got hungry again. But the Cafe hat already closed because we got late! Than they are gone to a bar and ordered chips and peanuts! A healthy diet looks different!

But I am to tired to discuss this with the stuff. I hope tomorrow it will be less action!


Today I review a magical day!


The travel to Tintagle was pleased. The walk interesting and varied. Only the evil plants must be destroyed. Take you armor with you to protect your self!

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King Arthur’s Hall was an adventure! Everyone must do this with his humans!

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Tintagle is beautiful and the right thing for a brave Collie knight with out movement issues. There are cliffs and points there are very steep. Unruly young knight should taken on a very short leash.

The magical stone that transformed in to a sheep was the real thing! Everyone must see the look in the human face if the watch the transformation. For robber barons or experts in herding is a lesh obligate! The sheeps, horses and cows came in touch distance!

Dog friendliness

Tintagle is prepared for doggy knights. There are water bowles and lots of things to see.

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King Arthurs Hall is on a field with free roaming animals.

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Usful Information

Tintagle is stunning. If you will know more look here.

More information about King Arthur’s hall you can get here.

If your humans hurt themself’s follow the guide from the NHS.

For Tide times you can look here!

Day 9 Bridgewater and Millendreath Beach

The day started with packing, cleaning up and controlling. I was totally confused what the fuss is about. The put my bowls in the tin can. Shall this help to feed it and where should feed I? Will we drive home? To a different place?

The metal horse buck under the weight of the things that was loaded in. My Collie Knight space shrinked significantly.

Then the travel began again. I piked out of the window. We definitiv not driving home. We arrived in a little city called Bridgewater. As usal the Lady needed to find a special pee house…. Why can she not use a bush like every other normal being.

After this business we explored the city and found many little shops and cute places.

We found some historical sights.

Some of the locals are … how shall I call this polite – different. If you will be admired you smile if someone says that there is a noachian deluge every other hunderted years that drowned the whole world.

The male human servant had bad joke time. He said after the travel I would need crane to get moved! Not funny!

The Lady is forgetful! My treat stocks are low! I brought them to a reliable merchant!

The next part was of the travel was nearly endless an than the cost line appeared!

The humans got strange again. They cleared out the metal hourse. How long will we stay here?

The brought me to the magical water again. This time was not so dumb to tasted it again!

But the got me to pose as freebooter.

We visited the local tavern. The humans ate some real crazy stuff and I could try some bits.

The evening we spend together.


Here I review the travel to Englands south coast!


The travel to Bridgewater was relative easy. But the rest was needed.

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The last bit themes to never end. But if a Collie knight travels not the boringst wait stops him!

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Bridgewater has some nice places and a shopping male!

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The Strand Millendreath Beach near to Looe ist breathtaking! I put my freebooter armor ob and entered the beach!

Dog friendlines

Bridgewater is very dog friendly. Many local humans greed a Collie Knight like a King.

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Millendreath beach is stunning like it sounds. A must for doggy knights that like to swim.

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Useful Information

Interesting Informationen over Bridgewater you find here.

Dog friendly beaches are here to discover.

More over Millendreath Beach you can find here.

For tide planing you can use this link.

Day 8 – Bristol und Newport

What by the everloving Lord has gotten in the humans heads! It is 5 o’clock in the morning after staying late in London! Let a poor Collie knight get his beauty sleep! If you have this kind of servants you not need a foe anymore.

They started the tin can and the drove in the dark of the night to a residential area. And then! The Lady disappeared and I was alone with the male Servant! I was shell shocked! I start to whine. But she refused to come back! The night was so short and now I am alone with him! OMD he often don’t know how he must order his feets and more often he lose the orientation. How should we find our way back to the Lady?

I think those are the dreaded team building measures! I was advised to shine and stay quiet if this happened. Please dog goddess don’t make it to hard!

He brought me to a park, a tower and a port. It is hard not forget a part of the way!

Like I expect. It was painstaking to find our way back!

I was so glad, as the Lady cames back of the get to know meeting with local business people. Some of the new acquaintances admired me! I like to be in the spotlight.

After this we started to explore the area. We saw the University of Bristol and a shopping district. Unfortunately most things were closed because it was still early. And who knows the Lady… will know that she need a puddle place. The servant don’t under stand the problem of small bladders and hold it. Maybe he is like a dog that is often let allown and his bladder is three times bigger than hers or mine…

We found a little Café and had breakfast. My behavior was spot on. I should get a spot in the dog magazine for this.

We walked a bit in the city and found some churches.

And a lovely market. I could explore the outside parts and one human at a time looked in the inside part. I liked it a lot.

After this we looked a bit further, but found nothing real fascinating. It was early then we decided to give a second city a try. We started in direction Cardiff, but there was a traffic jam on the motorway and we mast plan new. We found our way to Newport instead.

Newport is a little industry and port city. It has a big shopping mile and hudad purchases a new Tippomator 500 this time with touch screen.

We strolled through the city to find something to eat and a puddle place for humom again. We got a bit away from the city center and found residential areas. The lady got a bit aggressive after long search for food and puddle place. Theme to me a bit painful to wait so long. The servants ears shaked as she roar. Maybe it is not so ideal to wait until it hurts. After searching she found a restaurant unfortunately it was so late that the food was out, but the puddle problem was resolved. We found now the big transport bridge and take some shots. I am only a little Collie knight but I think it don’t worth the trouble. But the male Servant thinks different.

There was a Inn “near” by. We toke a side and the male servant started to run if the hound of hell where following him. I head to stop him. The Lady was close behind me. I was so a stupid fool! I followed him and don’t take a stop at the kitchen or the meet buffet!

I got caught before I stopped him or could raid the kitchen! And the I was tied to the flower! I am a fearless knight not a worthless born low!

After this incident we went back to the metal horse. We reached our destination and the humans found a sign to the castle. The decide to go to it! Without asking me!

I am a tired Collie knight and this is more walking!

But there are so beautiful mosaics. This worth the trouble! Look at the dogs and the sausages chain!

After we arrived at our Inn the humans start to pack up again. I started to know the land and know we moving again? Where will we go? Go we home?


To day I review to totally different cities. Bristol and Newport.


The travel to Bristol was short and confi. There were only a few other cares so early in the morning.

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Travel to Newport was harder. We got a traffic jam on the only big motorway. That slows the travel down.

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Bristol is interesting. There are parks and monuments to explore. Unfortunately the area of interest is small. The market was nice. But as collie knight you are not allowed in the market hall. Outside you can explore interesting stalles.

That the Lady let us alone, was an huge insolence!

Newport is interesting and huge industry city. You must plan where and when you get something to eat. The transport bridge is very far away of the city center. Eat, drink and make your puddle before you start.

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Dog friendliness

Both cities have less drinking spots for a collie knight. Take you water bottle with you. You can explore many sights and details if you watch for it.

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Useful informations

Dogs are not allowed of some areas of the University campus of bristol.

Don’t forget to pack something to drink.

Infos about the Newport transport bridge are here.

Day 7 – London

Dear reader of my chronicles! You couldn’t imagine what adventure I had have! I, Sir Lucien Barkalot traveled to London. My biggest, epicst and fantasticts adventure!

The day started with a short pipi trip around the inn. The human stuff started to get moving. We drove to Stroud again and I was a bit suspicious. The same place why such a hurry?

The humans search for something to eat. The found IT! You will ask what it is? The got french fries in the morning and something delicious smelling.

The we moved to the metal dragon gate way! I heard there loud roar! I saw them and heard them by my self! I start to bark against it! But it was louder then me!

The servant made a bad joke. He put me on a tonne scale! He mentioned that I got fat!

The scale moved and stopped functioning! It was crushed by my beauty and elegance!

The we moved in the tummy of the metal dragon! Many watched me and were impressed of my good behavior!

Inside the metal dragon was a guard. He was so busy to check the passports that he nearly stepped tree times on my tail! The lady tried to protect me! She barked loud “MIND THE TAIL!” That could be a new meme!

Shortly after we arrived at Paddington station.

After a short pip stop, I got dressed to impress the people of London. We found a very lovely boat. I needed to have a picture with it!

The we start our sight seeing tour through London. We start with the Hyde park! One big green isle in the big city. Suddenly it was not so nice because there were big clean up work after the queens burial. It was very interesting to watch the logistic behind this, but there many areas that was locked.

The Lady was looking for the Speakers Corner. She was there as young lady with her tutoration class. Suddenly the Corner was not there at the moment.

The epic search started! The Lady was looking for a place for her puddle. But as Lady she seams to have demands. I showed her many bushes but she desired to walk back to the center of the Hyde park to decide of the puddle house of her liking.

We discovered the Serpentine. There were lots of birds and stuff. I tried to win a barking battle against a swan! The I tested the water. It tasted not bad.

Then we started to go to the Buckingham Palace. I wanted a picture with a royal guard!

We found the Rose Garden on our way. It is a very nice place!

We found lots of monuments on the way! I made pictures with the eternal flames, Wellington and some impressive gates!

We found a new monument for astronauts and space travel. I posed there in a crown and was the star of some tourist groups!

The Buckingham Palace where locked to. I could see a royal guard but it was very far away. I was a bit disappointed!

I couldn’t offer the Queen my service, but I tried to do speak with the king! I barked as loud I could that I would help to protect him. Sadly, I got no answer until now.

Then we walked to Westminster Abby. I posed again and got many new admirer.

The next point was Big Ben and the Parliament. It was incredible! So many people liked to see me and made photos! The servant bend his knees and laied on the ground to make impressive pictures of me!

At the parliament we met police officers. For some moments I shared there duty to protect the institution.

We moved on to the Downing Street. On locked area more. The humans say that the precautions rised a lot in the last 10 Years. There were a lot of police officers, barriers and guards in London.

The next stop was the London Eye and the Themse.

We met a tin man. I tried to speak with him and put some Pounds in his box. He need may need new oil. A good heart he had already.

Then I got something special! Cocos frozen yogurt! It was so delicious!

I requested more but the human stuff ignored me! They ignored me!

The Lady need a puddle place again! I tell you don’t travel with female humans. The need often a puddle place and the get bitchy, if the must wait! She left and and I was alone with the servant in London! OMD how should I protect him?

We found interesting pieces of art.

The next stop was the Globe Theater. The closed some minutes. I tried to get a role but the have no place for an incredible actor like me. But my picture cards were gone like warm bread.

We moved on to the OXO-Tower!

We found a prison museum, a ship and big places and streets. We moved on to the London Bridge!

We found a tree with apes midth in the way in the city. I don’t know why human primates are so interested in none human ones. Maybe it is like I see a wolf. But that was boring.

We met a city tour guide. He likes me very lot. I posed for him.

The we moved on to the London bridge. But our aim was the tower bridge. Yes the humans mashed up the bridges and i must walk endless!

As we finally arrived on the Tower Bridge I made some posing photos there. And next point was the tower.

I had have luck it closed. The Lady could only visit the shop and I could rest my paws!

After this we walked through a little park and tried the London Underground. The Humans tells me now that we could have taken the Underground the whole time? Are there any marbles left in there heads? Have the lost all her knowledge cookies?

Desperate I start to sleep. And then the little dragon stops and the humans start to shop again.

The we are gone back to the big metal dragon landing zone. You could guess tree times what the lady need most… yes a puddle house and now something to eat! She left again and I was alone with the male servant! I start to cry and ordered her to move instantly back!

For the sack of the doggy goddess the metal dragon arrived shortly after this indecent. I start sleeping and found me surrounded of unknown humans. The human stuff was talking and one other human thought I am a luggage bag. I changed his view as I but my nose on his jeans. The the start speaking over azure blue cloud solutions. – is it possible that the Lady can’t stop working? Is she a Border Collie for Clouds?

We arrived late, this night. I hope tomorrow we can sleep the whole day!


Today I review my biggest adventure!


The drive to Stroud was okey. It gets easier if you drives the crazy roundabouts more then one time in your live.

The train travel was good. Please make a reservation of a seat with desk. There is very few space for a Collie knight with out a desk.

Walk through London was amazing and the Underground, too.


The sights are mind blowing. The Big Ben, the London Eye, Westminster. Inform yourself before you go to a sight. E.g. the Tower you can only look from outside.

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Dog friendliness

You can walk and sea a lot in London. Please don’t forget a fresh water bowl.

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Useful information

Don’t use the car to get into London. Drive to a smaller city and use the train.

Plan your route before you arrive. London is very huge! Use a map like this.

Some sights closing very early, e.g. the Tower.

Don’t forget water for humans and doggy knights.

The Underground is good alternative to walking. Use entrances with a lift or a real stair way.

Day6 – Bath?! – Better Stroud

The day of the noble Sir Lucien Barkalot started with a walk to Badminton the way was a long a big street. I found tracks of other dogs. I saw horses and rabbits.

I expected of Badminton that there are many Badminton courts. Suddenly I found none. But I have searched the whole village. We met free roaming dogs and horses! The local Post Office has yummy sandwiches and a Lady that loved to see a collie! The have also a book series Rocco the Rockstar! The drawings are wonderful and there are fun stories about a ex street dog. I ordered the Lady to by the whole series!

Then we walked back to our tin can and start to drive to Bath.

The lady starts the tin can and we drove over land in a nice looking city. But there seams to be a big problem. I never set a feet to the ground because there where no available stables for the metal horse. The Lady was grumpy about the Servant! Something about a Clean-Air-Zone and his selection of the stables. The dog goodness will know what that meant. The lady turned around the car and drove through small streets with hilarious maneuvers. I decided to tug my nose under the cushions and pretend not to know the swearing woman in the front seat.

After this ridiculous ride we moved on to Stroud. The decision was much better.

Stroud is a little dog friendly city where you can get spoiled a bit.

For the humans there are some possibilities to buy nippes and books. There a lots of places where I can stick my nose in and learn new things.

I got here a official English dog tag. I learned that all dogs must have a plate where the name and the phone number must be on. The humans ask the local cobbler/locksmith to make me one. Now I fit in like a local!

And the end we found a very good Japanese. I was very welcome and could try some japaneas bits. The brought me a bowl and offered some chicken treats. Suddenly I must pass the treat. It is not good for my skin. But the noodles and the could white thing were very good!

We visited some churches in Stroud and met some local assistance dogs.

After a long day we started to travel back to holiday residence. I was so brave to go over the giant wooden bridge to cross the train tracks. It was moving under my feets!


Today I review some new travel marks.


The foot path to Badminton was near a big road. From time to time there were a car next to us and we must be aware of some dog poop that was not cleaned up. But as a morning walk it is okey.

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To drive to bath is a bad idea. The car park situation is bad and If there is a diversion the chaos is perfect.

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The travel to Stroud goes over many small roads and the roundabouts at the train station are pure madness. But it is so much easier to reach as Bath.

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The Post Office and the free roaming animals are very exiting. If you could go to a morning walk there it is good. Travel extra to Badminton? I would they not needed.

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Bath owns zero bones. We saw nothing and had have big trouble.

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Stroud was the highlight of the day. But not very exciting. If you have time and you are near visit the city.

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Dog friendliness

Badminton is good to walk as collie knight. You can see some interesting things and smell other animals. But there is no really amazing thing for a dog.

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Bath we couldn’t review in this category.

Stroud was very nice. There were water bowls for thirsty collie knights in different places and the Restaurants allow to sit by your human stuff.

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Useful information

At the Post-Office there are tasty Sandwiches! Here you can by Rocco the Rockstar! Reading recommendation.

Don’t try to reach Bath my car and be aware of the clean air zones.

Tasty food for the humans you find here!

Day 5 – Pembroke and Tenby

A new day raised on my incredible journey through England. The human stuff walked with me to the local merchant. There is no better in miles. He is so famous that he got his own traffic sign!

The human stuff wolfed down pastries. I must watch them. I cried to get one too! What have I got? Little crumbs! How should a Collie Knight be strong without good fuel!

The we drove to the merchant for Collie Knight equipment! The lady bought something new for me. It is called Peanut Butter! It is so disgusting! The lady lost her taste!

The the journey of the day started. I was total flashed that we drive to Pembroke. There is the origin of my relatives – the Corgis!

I hoped to see some of the Corgi family. Unfortunately, no Corgi was in sight! May be they all traveled to their country estate.

I got many admirers, especially old ladies can’t stop to stroke my fur.

They have a special merchant for Collie Knights in Pembroke! I checked it out immediately!

After this we walked to the Pembroke Castle! My memorabilia got out like hot cake. Many people takes photos from me!

We explored the big castle. Everywhere are new interesting things to see. There a short information films. Did you know that humans have high frequent pack bitings? Could they not stop? Is there no natural bite inhibition? Is the world to small?

After this shocking revelation we got some souvenirs from the shops. There were even more admirers and my portrait got cult status!

We visited a local church too. The architecture is very different to German ones.

We come back to our tin can packed. Then we drove to Tenby.

We saw the beautiful city center and the lady brought me to my second beach ever.

I saw the big water and tasted it. Disgusting again. This side of the big puddle is salty to! The magic must be incredible strong to temper so much water!

I get to know many new dog folks! The lesser where running after a ball and swam in this magic water. Maybe if you swim often you get super powers.

I decided it is more fun to run over the sand and explore the rocks.

The lady and her husband collected stones and shells.

The we found a pavilion and the local castle. There was a big statue.

After this exhausted adventures we were ready for food. We found a incredibly local Inn the Harbwr brewery!

Dogs are very welcome and the have a special menu for dogs! Sausages could extra brought to the table!

I managed to steal some piece of fish from the Lady, and some chips dropped to. But there are only very small samples! The don’t count for the open reparation!

We had a very good time. More portrait cards of me got a new home. Sliced bread was yesterday my memorables are better.

As the night falls the Lady started the travel back to Acton Turville.

I got some dried fish for dinner. The Lady was very meanly she thought I wouldn’t notice if she put this disgusting peanut butter under my fish! Not with me! Remove the crap!

What will happen tomorrow? A new Castle, a new City or go we home?


Today my focus is on the adventure part. You can see a lot in a short amount of time in England.


The travel was a bit longer but you could see many different interesting sights from the car window.


Pembroke is a very beautiful city. Sadly, I saw no Corgi.

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The Pembroke Castle worth every driving trouble. If you have the possibility visit it. The installations are fascinating and informative.

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Tenby has a beautiful dog beach. There you can meet other knights and other lifeguards!

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The City of Tenby is very nice. Small streets and lots of shops. The Harbwr Brewery is the food place for a Collie Knight and his human stuff. The serve extra dog sausages.

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Dog friendliness

Pembroke is very dog friendly. But you should start early. The shops and sights close often at/before 17.00.

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Tenby is even more dog friendly. There are beaches and big parks to walk and sniff. Everywhere there is something interesting.

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Useful information

Please mind the opening hours. Some shops and sights closes add 16.00.

Pambroke Castle worth a visit!

The Castle Beach in Tenby is very dog friendly. Please beware of the parting in dog and human beach. The wrong sight is very pricey.

If you will eat dog friendly visit Harbwr Brewery.

Day 4 – Westbirt Arboretum and Gloucester

The 4th day of my journey started with a Lady that suffered from insomnia. She worked with the digital magic machine T460s and wrote down the first parts of my adventures. I, the noble Sir Lucien Barkalot, demonstrated how to sleep right and ignored the crazy Lady! It was dark and all birds are sleeping! Not a time to move a paw.

We started the real day with a little walk over the path nearby. Suddenly lots of horseless vehicles were around and it was not so enjoyable.

Today is a special day in Great Britain. The Queen get buried and many Offices, Shops, Pubs and public places are closed.

We researched a bit and we found that the Westbirt Arboretum has open. We saddled our tin can and drives there. For all that not now what a Arboretum is. A Arboretum is like a university for trees. There will be schooling of young ents and very rear trees that are to good for a normal tree nursery.

There are big areas where I can walk without leash and meet new friends. There are many interesting trees and you can gain knowledge over them.

There is a branch library available. You can test different and rate them for chewety. I can say that the all taste and feel different. Everyone must retry the experiment!

We walked some hours through the more or less thick woods. We got all tired and thirsty. The humans lead me to a foodstation and there was a freshwater construct where I could drink the best water in the park.

The human stuff eat like kings! The Lady had have fish! But she refused to share it with me! I am shocked!

To show you that I can more then bark, I used my magic to color the leafs. And as you see the leafs started to get yellow and red. The will need some extra days but then the will be incredible beautiful.

I get to know a white Shepard lady! She smelled so amazing that I lost my head. We played a bit but her human stuff had have a little one that needed to be cleaned. It smelled disgusting! So the lady had to go and took a part of my heart. Now I have a broken heart and suffer.

The I met a baby Border Collie. He has no manors. I schooled him but he ignored me and play attacked his best Basset friend. He showed no interest in my knowledge, so I will not teach him anymore!

After this we decided to go to a city – Gloucester – nearby.

Because of the burial of the Queen was the city a ghost city. Many shops were closed and a pub hard to find.

We visited churches, monuments and buildings while we searched for a suitable pub.

We meet humans that are different from the standard humans. I was glad to trade trick for treat for them.

At the end we found the docks. A real highlight. There are ships and machines to discover and touch.

We found a little pub >The Tank<. There we were welcome from the first minute. Many humans and doggies wanted to make friends with me.

I got the first part of my reparation payment. I don’t got the fish part, but the chips part and some veggi burger rains on me. It was delicious! I recommend this pub!

The we got back to our inn. I got my supper and i started to sleep. And you can guess what have the humans done? The start the heating and it started the fire alarm! Who has such stuff – needs no enemy!


I review today the the special day – The queens burial.


The short trips were very comfortable.

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The Westonbirt Arboretum is a must see for dogs. At best you enjoy at least a half day there!

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Gloucester is a beautiful city and you see a lot there. After every corner you find something interesting.

Dog friendliness

For dogs is the tree university a highlight. Without a leash a real big area waits to get discovered. You meet very interesting people and dogs there. The humans can learn some important lectors about the woods and trees there.

Gloucester is very dog friendly. You shouldn’t forget something to drink you can’t get easy something to drink as collie knight.

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Useful tips

Here you can read more about the tree university.

Don’t forget to prepare some drinks for knights and humans. On warm days you dehydrate quickly.

Gloucester has a interesting website. Here you can get more information about events and Gloucester.

At the docks is the Tank-Pub. Dogs and Humans are here welcome and the food is amazing!