Day 7 – London

Dear reader of my chronicles! You couldn’t imagine what adventure I had have! I, Sir Lucien Barkalot traveled to London. My biggest, epicst and fantasticts adventure!

The day started with a short pipi trip around the inn. The human stuff started to get moving. We drove to Stroud again and I was a bit suspicious. The same place why such a hurry?

The humans search for something to eat. The found IT! You will ask what it is? The got french fries in the morning and something delicious smelling.

The we moved to the metal dragon gate way! I heard there loud roar! I saw them and heard them by my self! I start to bark against it! But it was louder then me!

The servant made a bad joke. He put me on a tonne scale! He mentioned that I got fat!

The scale moved and stopped functioning! It was crushed by my beauty and elegance!

The we moved in the tummy of the metal dragon! Many watched me and were impressed of my good behavior!

Inside the metal dragon was a guard. He was so busy to check the passports that he nearly stepped tree times on my tail! The lady tried to protect me! She barked loud “MIND THE TAIL!” That could be a new meme!

Shortly after we arrived at Paddington station.

After a short pip stop, I got dressed to impress the people of London. We found a very lovely boat. I needed to have a picture with it!

The we start our sight seeing tour through London. We start with the Hyde park! One big green isle in the big city. Suddenly it was not so nice because there were big clean up work after the queens burial. It was very interesting to watch the logistic behind this, but there many areas that was locked.

The Lady was looking for the Speakers Corner. She was there as young lady with her tutoration class. Suddenly the Corner was not there at the moment.

The epic search started! The Lady was looking for a place for her puddle. But as Lady she seams to have demands. I showed her many bushes but she desired to walk back to the center of the Hyde park to decide of the puddle house of her liking.

We discovered the Serpentine. There were lots of birds and stuff. I tried to win a barking battle against a swan! The I tested the water. It tasted not bad.

Then we started to go to the Buckingham Palace. I wanted a picture with a royal guard!

We found the Rose Garden on our way. It is a very nice place!

We found lots of monuments on the way! I made pictures with the eternal flames, Wellington and some impressive gates!

We found a new monument for astronauts and space travel. I posed there in a crown and was the star of some tourist groups!

The Buckingham Palace where locked to. I could see a royal guard but it was very far away. I was a bit disappointed!

I couldn’t offer the Queen my service, but I tried to do speak with the king! I barked as loud I could that I would help to protect him. Sadly, I got no answer until now.

Then we walked to Westminster Abby. I posed again and got many new admirer.

The next point was Big Ben and the Parliament. It was incredible! So many people liked to see me and made photos! The servant bend his knees and laied on the ground to make impressive pictures of me!

At the parliament we met police officers. For some moments I shared there duty to protect the institution.

We moved on to the Downing Street. On locked area more. The humans say that the precautions rised a lot in the last 10 Years. There were a lot of police officers, barriers and guards in London.

The next stop was the London Eye and the Themse.

We met a tin man. I tried to speak with him and put some Pounds in his box. He need may need new oil. A good heart he had already.

Then I got something special! Cocos frozen yogurt! It was so delicious!

I requested more but the human stuff ignored me! They ignored me!

The Lady need a puddle place again! I tell you don’t travel with female humans. The need often a puddle place and the get bitchy, if the must wait! She left and and I was alone with the servant in London! OMD how should I protect him?

We found interesting pieces of art.

The next stop was the Globe Theater. The closed some minutes. I tried to get a role but the have no place for an incredible actor like me. But my picture cards were gone like warm bread.

We moved on to the OXO-Tower!

We found a prison museum, a ship and big places and streets. We moved on to the London Bridge!

We found a tree with apes midth in the way in the city. I don’t know why human primates are so interested in none human ones. Maybe it is like I see a wolf. But that was boring.

We met a city tour guide. He likes me very lot. I posed for him.

The we moved on to the London bridge. But our aim was the tower bridge. Yes the humans mashed up the bridges and i must walk endless!

As we finally arrived on the Tower Bridge I made some posing photos there. And next point was the tower.

I had have luck it closed. The Lady could only visit the shop and I could rest my paws!

After this we walked through a little park and tried the London Underground. The Humans tells me now that we could have taken the Underground the whole time? Are there any marbles left in there heads? Have the lost all her knowledge cookies?

Desperate I start to sleep. And then the little dragon stops and the humans start to shop again.

The we are gone back to the big metal dragon landing zone. You could guess tree times what the lady need most… yes a puddle house and now something to eat! She left again and I was alone with the male servant! I start to cry and ordered her to move instantly back!

For the sack of the doggy goddess the metal dragon arrived shortly after this indecent. I start sleeping and found me surrounded of unknown humans. The human stuff was talking and one other human thought I am a luggage bag. I changed his view as I but my nose on his jeans. The the start speaking over azure blue cloud solutions. – is it possible that the Lady can’t stop working? Is she a Border Collie for Clouds?

We arrived late, this night. I hope tomorrow we can sleep the whole day!


Today I review my biggest adventure!


The drive to Stroud was okey. It gets easier if you drives the crazy roundabouts more then one time in your live.

The train travel was good. Please make a reservation of a seat with desk. There is very few space for a Collie knight with out a desk.

Walk through London was amazing and the Underground, too.


The sights are mind blowing. The Big Ben, the London Eye, Westminster. Inform yourself before you go to a sight. E.g. the Tower you can only look from outside.

Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold

Dog friendliness

You can walk and sea a lot in London. Please don’t forget a fresh water bowl.

Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold

Useful information

Don’t use the car to get into London. Drive to a smaller city and use the train.

Plan your route before you arrive. London is very huge! Use a map like this.

Some sights closing very early, e.g. the Tower.

Don’t forget water for humans and doggy knights.

The Underground is good alternative to walking. Use entrances with a lift or a real stair way.

4 thoughts on “Day 7 – London”

  1. Great photos and descriptions, as usual. You are lucky the weather was good. Does your armor rust in the rain.
    The puddle stop references made us laugh.


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