Day 10 – Tintagel and King Arthur’s Hall

The Lady said the day will be magic. I thing she took the wrong magic mushroom! Magical? I am Sir Barkalot and not the wise Wizzard of Woof. Okey they send me on this quest… but I am not so magical!

The day started with a short walk at the sea and a the metal horse.

The the Lady saw stars. I mean literally! The male servant closed the cargo hatch expediently on the head of the Lady. By all dog gods and goddesses her cry must be heard until Germany. I hided as precaution. She was hurt and furios. I will not stand between a fury and her prey.

Then we started driving over the roads.

We stopped in a small village and explored the Shops and the local bakery. I say only two words Cornish Pastry! So yummy! Even if you got only some small crumbs.

The we walked down a beautiful path until we found a small gatekeeper house.

The humans showed there passports and I drank from the extra made water bowl.

We followed the the path further and found a magical bridge to King Arthurs castle. There shall be the last remains of the castle where Merlin, Arthur and his Knights lived. I was so exited! I am the first Collie Knight in centuries there!

Then the stuff discussed a issue with low and high tide. No idea what this is, but before I could set my feet to the real castle thing, they brought me down a steep stair.

The stair ended on a strand. Where I found new admirer and got some photos.

The the brought me to a Cave that was invested with bats! The called it Merlins Cave und told me that here was the magic done. I posed again.

The male servant fall on exploring the Cave and I had to go through water! Disgusting!

It was scary but cool! Then the Lady and I walked the strand and found beautiful stones and shells.

The we walked the stair up and we meet the local merchants. I gave away many memorabilia and lots of photos where taken.

In the meantime I was hijacked by a little Cornish Dragon. He slipped in my pocket and made him self his home there. His name is Corny Shong.

On the way from the castle I was attacked by a Zombie plant! On of the dangers of England! The Lady came to my rescue and my armor protected me.

Finally we explored the castle itself.

Especially the cliffs where breath taking.

We visited the famous Gallos-Statur.

Samhain is approaching. I was allowed to make some magic rituals for training.

At the end we could explore the outer court yard on the other side of the bridge.

I liked the attention and the many photos that was taken! The payment was good! Treats everywhere!

The the Lady got fippy! Her bladder must be very small. We must hurry down a small path. I had a bit fear for the Lady but we arrived well.

We found an injured jeep driver. I started to give emotional support.

The the humans needed foot again! Why I am not getting food in a restaurant I don’t know. We walked back to the villages.

I got a microscopic portion of Fish and Chips! This doesn’t count as retribution!

Then the humans were shopping. The looked on the clock and it was still to early to get a next meal. The figured out that it was possible to look to King Arthurs Hall too. They started the tin can and we were on our way.

This time we stopped midth in a field. And you will not believe me there were free roaming sheeps, cows and horses! Without any boundary or fence! We walked there and bam. A stone transformed in a sheep!

The male servant walked to a grey sheep through a swampy area… Can a big magician tell him how the compass and the map are working? Or that a magnet interferes with a compass?

Add least the Lady took the job to locate the sight. We found a stone circle. But unfortunately it was closed. An excavation where there and forgot to reopen it after working.

My feeds hurts from the long walking. I was happy to get back in the car. But Oh my doggy goodness are this cattle grids unpleasing – the whole car wobbles and shakes!

After this the human stuff got hungry again. But the Cafe hat already closed because we got late! Than they are gone to a bar and ordered chips and peanuts! A healthy diet looks different!

But I am to tired to discuss this with the stuff. I hope tomorrow it will be less action!


Today I review a magical day!


The travel to Tintagle was pleased. The walk interesting and varied. Only the evil plants must be destroyed. Take you armor with you to protect your self!

Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone white

King Arthur’s Hall was an adventure! Everyone must do this with his humans!

Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone white Bone white


Tintagle is beautiful and the right thing for a brave Collie knight with out movement issues. There are cliffs and points there are very steep. Unruly young knight should taken on a very short leash.

The magical stone that transformed in to a sheep was the real thing! Everyone must see the look in the human face if the watch the transformation. For robber barons or experts in herding is a lesh obligate! The sheeps, horses and cows came in touch distance!

Dog friendliness

Tintagle is prepared for doggy knights. There are water bowles and lots of things to see.

Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold

King Arthurs Hall is on a field with free roaming animals.

Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold

Usful Information

Tintagle is stunning. If you will know more look here.

More information about King Arthur’s hall you can get here.

If your humans hurt themself’s follow the guide from the NHS.

For Tide times you can look here!

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