The Lake – The sea no matter – Titisee (2024)

The are important news in the collie doghouse in Lenzkirch. Yes we have moved from Titisee and got our own garden. Squire Gavriel got gravly wounded and grumpier as a cat. Every pup has caused an explosion. We saw both his death! The Fish… medicine man was consulted and he found out that Gavriel has broken his claw including the claw bone.

You ask how my little squire got injured? We were hiking with the Lady to the nearest clam and took a sip. He stood on a stone and then he lost balance and got an involuntary bath and came out with a bloody paw! I thought he will bleed out!

In the Wutach-Clam must live a dark warlock that feared us paladins. In 10 Minutes all of our party where injured. The Lady sprend her ankle. The servant injured his hand and I got to the itchy plant…

But anyway, my squire feels bad and the Lady brought a companion home. A far traveled seal called Sebastian Seehund.

He tolled Gavriel from the sea and the coast. I don’t know why it should be so special. A large body of smelly not good tasting water, wet fur, big attacking doves … but okey the youth!

Lucien is thinking back to Tintagel and Tenby.

Then they start the idiotically competion >Who has more water…<. My little squire had not get the joke and brought biger and biger water bodies in play. Sebastian got it good by laughing. Gavriel showed him the cattle trough and called it sink.

Gavriel convinced the lady to drive to the Titisee. It is one of the biggest lakes in the region.

Gavriel showed Sebastian German whale fight (election). Sebastian don’t got it. A whale and an election are the same thing in German?

On the way the servant was in clown mode. Look at this!

The squire was sad as Sebastian explained that the Titisee is a lake and no real sea! The sea is no comparison to this little pond.

Together we walked at the shore and found a interesting sculpture.

We looked trough a binocular. Sebastian said. “If a water body to call a sea, you shouldn’t see the other shore, Gavriel.” Now Gavriel tried to convince the lady to a trip to the Schluchsee.

Gavriel asked: “What is the difference between a boat and a ship?” Sebastian explained “The size. All under 50m length is a boat!”

“Wow wie have 4 ships on our Titisee!” called the little one out. Then we took a closer look to a boat. Sadly the Lady said no boat tour today.

Gavriel showed Sebastian the Hotel >Maritim<. He said. “Look we are at the sea!” Sebastian was shaking his head. “This must be a human joke… Humans are strange!”

Review of the Titisee

You can go to the Titisee but don’t expect the attraction. You can walk a round the lake in less then 3 hours.


The landscape is great. You can ride by train near the lake.

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Looking at the boats is fun. But it is not filling the whole day.

Dog friendliness

The area is dog friendly. You can take a stroll on the lake or sit in a cafe. You can use one of the ships for a round tour.

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Useful information

You can explore a lot at the lake. Look for more information at the tourism center.

Beware of the algae. At the summer there could be itchy algeas in the lake the you should not tag a swimm.

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