The magical fall has cheeped around. The rain pours. Now I will show you a secret article of the magic archives about Gavriel. His initiation in Merlins magic forest. Yes it is from easter some time ago, but it is a important step of Gavriels history and it was peace full at this time!
Firstly we visited the information. The lady was a bit ligneous and don’t know much about >Merlin<. But she was friendly and nice.

Gavriel was a bit suspicious. He got a mighty hex of throwing up in cars from a evil witch. To remove this hex took long and is an other story.
He was so wet and dehydrated that we must stop and drink lots of water.

Then wie helped the easter bunny to find suitable places to hide. It was a lot of fun.

Then we walked the real merlin path. Lots of new stuff for a young soon to be apprentice to see. The little devil must explore the paths, the bridges and the dead wood. He climbed like a pro all stairs.

Then we visit master mage Merlin. He was a bit shocked to see so mighty Wizards and potential apprentices to see in the woods. But he helped to initiate Gavriel. He is now a certified apprentice!

Stop what means as a Wizard of Great Britain I am not allowed to examinate a German mage? My exam is not comparable? Wow Gavriel is put under French authority because of this place? Arggh no one speaks french hier!
I will go over this bridge if the time comes. Wow there are lots of magical mushrooms here!

Then Gavriel found his highlight. The throne! He dreamed of enslave all humans for a short moment. The the Lady popped the bubble.

As a good collie we brought our human entourage to a food place. We have done our spells right. It rained some french fries. I tried to teach the little one sharing. I lost.

After this we must go back to our mighty transportation device. The little tort was so unhappy!

After some minutes we turned back home. He was thinking and I was sleeping.

Review Merlins magic forest
The travel is short but you can see beautiful impressions of the black forest.
Merlins magic forest is good to find with the car. Use the time for looking to the mighty black forest.
The path is perfect for old an young doggy knights.
Dog friendliness
The path is dog friendly and easy going. Enjoy!
Useful information
Go to the Tourisms side to learn more.
Use times where not all go. This place is better enjoyed at peace.
A grand adventure!
Thanks General