Christmas market Frankfurt

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We were on christmas market tour in Frankfurt am Main and meet Sky the local Husky Queen!

We learned much over Frankfurt. Humom and Hudad were never in Frankfurt. Humom was near the City as little puppy, but can’t remember it well.

The market has lots of stalles, crips and a dog bakery! Unfortunately all interesting treats have egg in it. And the without egg are with another no-no-food… I ordered that this must be changed! I will tell this scandal Santa Paws!

Sky leads us to the best places in the city and tolled all her subjects of my Christmas mission. We showed some children the importance of Santa Paws!



It is easy to get to Frankfurt am Main City. Follow the Motorway until you find the right car park. We decided to use car park Hauptwache. Come early there are not many parking places!

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The christmas market is central. There are lots of interesting stalles and food! There are dog bakeries! Queen Sky has tested the goods and was very pleased!

Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold

The Main riverbank is very beautiful and the skyline is breathtaking. If you will escape the rush go to the riverbanks!

Dog friendliness

The doggy knight is welcome and loved. But keep attention near the stalls it can be a bit tightly. Start early to enjoy. Later the places are more packed.

Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold

Usful informations!

You can read more over the market here!

The christmas market starts at 10.00/11.00 o’clock.

There are many stunning places near the market. Take a look with your doggy knight!

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