Category: Neu-Windeck-Bühl-Windeck

Ich und meine Herrin

Castle Windeck

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The castle Windeck is a ruin near Bühl. It is the sister castle of Neu-Windeck. There are some walls, gates and a tower left. Be careful and guard your lady well. Meybe she get lost there.

Ich und meine Herrin

The tower has a wooden staircase after a stone staircase. Only the strongest and fearlesst knight can get to the top of the stairs. If you defeat the staircases then you will see a beautiful view over the landscape.

Every now and then it is posible to make a game of skill and pray some treats from the humans.

Next to the castle is a inn. There you can rest your paws. Suddenly it was closed on my visit. A fair maiden had have her wedding day. I congratulated with loud barks!

Gasthof Burg Windeck

For a collie knight a very good destination. The parking place is nearby and you can make a tour to the woods next to the castle. The ruin is not very large. So i advice to combine it with some other hightlights. Like a other ruin or a visit in the city Bühl.