Capital Bern (2024)

It is time! We visit Bern! Our big adventure! Sebastian said that is a trail run for the big adventure at the coast. He will convince the Lady!

We left Schäfchen (Sheepy) und Plüsch-Collie at home sitting. We started our day tour. The weather was okey, cloudy but dry with some sunny spots until we arrived in Bern. It started to rain. It purred cats and dogs.

Sebastian new interpreted the flagg of bern out of this reason. I proudly present the fur seal flagg!

The Collie-Mobil brought us to a parking garage. I must say underwhelming. This could be in the last backwater city on earth, but after 2 hour driving Gavriel as had only one goal >Be out of the car!<.

Here you get a small overview of our walking route.

Window shopping

Gavriel found instantly a portrait of El Dogcapone. Suddenly the Lady refused to by this cool object. Not even the collie version got her approval. She said that cigars are not allowed in the flat. The rain had stopped and I hoped that my fur don’t get wet.


We found a city well. Unfortunately even Gavriel was to short to get the water. But the Lady knows a real cool trick. You can magically transform a poop bag to a portable water bowl. Please don’t use the self-dissolving ones! Please!

City hall

Sebastian asked: “What is this on the well top?”

I used the magic wisdom ball. It is the Venner well with a venner. A Venner is a special type of standard-bearer soldier for the city of Bern.

Then we made a sit-in before the city hall. They said doggy knights aren’t allowed and that are no dog services here. I call for a department for Dogs needs!

The have ghosts! There are strange noises here! Let us leave!

Dogs and Wanderlust

We checked out the windows. Meanwhile it started to rain again for our luck the shopping streets are roofed!

Sebastian found the >Wanderlust<-Bar advertisement. He said. “Human look! This must Lucien and Gavriel see! I bet you don’t find the error of the images! If you loose you bring us to the coast!”

The Lady fought and said. “The seagull with the hat?” He answered. “No there is no Sand! Bet is bet!”

The Lady groaned and said. “Okey we drive to the coasts of Germany! We look to the sea!”

It happened! We will see the sea!

Best Beef in Town

This restaurant looks great, but the servant and the lady said no…


The shop is funny. It is called the DracheNäscht – the dragon nest. Unfortunately dogs aren’t allowed. In the shop was Struppi a well know dog in literature. He was looking for a new Tim. I must object. Why aren’t we allowed! Equal treatment for all dogs!


A dragon! The dragon nest must be his! But he must work on his appearance and odor. He smells a bit trashy. And as we stated this the rain began to purr. My beautiful fur got wet!


We walked to the Münsterplattform. There is a well with a silly bird! And have I said how wet we are? This weather is a joke and not a good one!

The view was stunning. We could see the river Aare. But a bit less wet! That would be a dream. We get an adventure. We visit a capital and than is the weather so bad.

There are interesting things – A XXL-Waterbowl! This we must check out!

Here we can spin the Lady until she lost orientation! If you are a pro in lunging – here you can show off.

Sebastian tried to play Tischtennis. I had other ideas. There is a place where my fur can dry off!

Moses well

We found another well! It was build 1791 and is called the Moses well. If Gavriel can split the water with his tongue?

Bear disservice

We strolled through the city of Bern. Mr. Bear worked hard to attract customer in the rain. Unfortunately all costumer must cross the street and get soaking wet in seconds.


The Lady was wet to the bone. She decided to buy dry pants. And we must wait in the rain! We demand dry fur!


We found a nice restaurant that allowed us wet rats. I demand sunshine while we travel!

After this ordil we got all a hot bowl of tea. And dinner was served.

Then we relaxed a bit and dried of.

Capital Bern – Bundesplatz

Water features on the Bundesplatz

We arrived on the Bundesplatz. The sun could be seen some seconds in a row. The fountains are interesting. Gavriel tried to play with them. He got wet again. The review is mixed.


We watched over the Bundeshaus in civil. Nobody must know about our enrollment in the spezial dog task force!

National bank

Okay this is the national bank. Here are the gold bars stored! If we can acquire some gold bars for our service?


Strange creatures are here in Bern. The colorful giraffe shall symbolize the colorful plays 2024/2025 in the city theater. I don’t get this humans. Make a sculpture of us!


Cheese! We could convince the Lady to go in the Chäshütte shop and to acquire for us cheese rind. Delicious! Why on earth humans throw the rind in the bin?!


The we visit the Brunnengasse with there guild flags. We demand a flag for our adventurer guild!

Gavriel matched this vehicle perfect. If we can make a test drive? Could you imagine how cool it is to drive with this?

The we visit the St. Peter und Paul church. This windows are beautiful!


We couldn’t leave capital Bern without souvenirs. We got some new collars.

Look how beautiful the are!

Review Capital Bern

Bern is a beautiful colorful city. We recommend to plan a full day.


You can travel to Bern via car or public transportation. One the road are interesting things like the >moveable motorway maintenance bridge< and the motorway where plane landings are trained.

Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone white


If the weather is nice it must be a dream. If you have rainy weather you find places where you can enjoy.

Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold Bone gold

Dog friendliness

Bern has dog friendly sights. At some places doggy knights are not welcome. And don’t forget some water bowls.

Useful Information

Bern has a nice Tourism side.

Bern is in switzerland. There are declaration and duties you must full fill. Your doggy knight must have a dog passport with a valid rabies shot in it.

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